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Das Verschwinden des Josef

by Olivier Guez

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Holiday 2016 – week 3

Time flies. I am already nearing the end of week 4 of my vacation, but to this another time. Lets look back on my third week of my annual 4 weeks of joy.

Emma got her hair cut. So much for excitement! But she is so much happier being shed like a sheep. Looking at the photos, she does look happier as well. See the difference?

Thinking about it, Monday was an odd day. Friend wanted to go swimming, she cancelled. Same friend wanted to go to a coffeehouse instead later, she cancelled that too. Heh? DONT LIKE THAT. Its like being booked for a day, and you reserve all afternoon for nothing. Argh. Dont like. I did finish Peter Pan though. What a disturbing book that is. I did it enjoy it though. So very un-Disney-like.

Tuesday we went swimming. I do realize my vacation might seem mighty boring and repetitive. Its what I can afford and what I enjoy. There is not more in it I am afraid. So swimming at an outdoor pool it is.

I picked up my glasses which cost me a fortune, why on earth does everything have to be soooo expensive?! Not even funny anymore. Plus, I took Emma for a walk. You can by now easily guess where I took her… It was beautiful! As it always is.

Wednesday was the day where I hit the 50km mark in swimming for August. I jubilated! In 2 1/2 weeks I swam it. Insane, incredible and totally crazy. So happy! Also the day where I got the worst sunburn of the year.

It was also the day where I bought the first gingerbread of the season. Oh how I love thee!

Thursday I had to head back to the outpatient lung clinic to get my Nucala shot for my Asthma. And can you believe it? They did all the stupid physicals once again. I couldnt believe it and was totall dumbstruck. Argh! That took almost all morning. Oh joy. Met up with friend afterward who was so strange, I had to think about it for days! My highlight of the day was finishing When Breathe Becomes Air. I LOVED IT! Read it, read it now! It is so incredibly good, so sad and it just makes you appreciate every second of life even more. The book is fantastic. A new favourite.

Friday we went to the pool area once again. The weather was so nice and we wanted to sit in the sun instead of at home. So thats what we did. Also noticed that Netflix put the old Star Trek series up and that made me soooo happy.

Saturday I spent a truckload of money on paint and everything else that you need to repaint your walls. A strong white, banana yellow, lots of brushes… It took forever to find it all but we did it.

I also made the Sweet Potatoe-Blackbean-Burger Buns again and they turned out totally different than the last time. Didnt like them at all and probably wont make them again. Huge bummer!

In the evening I went to the cinema with a friend to see Schweinskopf Al Dente, a Bavarian Austrian Production. So much fun!

Sunday I baked bread for breakfast. It tasted quite ok!

Afterwards brother and I took Emma for a nice long walk. Fantastic weather! I am so in luck with the weather! Bummer that brother cant enjoy any of it. I enjoy every millisecond!

I also took it in my hands to start painting the walls. First step was done. Baby steps. This is with what we started. Results next time.

I am so looking forward to next year when I can hopefully go to Israel again. My soul needs it. I need it!

3 Responses to “Holiday 2016 – week 3”

  1. Reply to this comment
    6:03 am on September 14th, 2016

    Hi Connie! Emma’s looking good! Glad to be able to catch up with your life…(I will re-read all the recent posts — so much to absorb in one read-through!)

    Pictures look beautiful (oh, for a POOL!!!…We’ve had one of the hottest/most humid summers ever here — torture) & all your FOOD PICS always make me hungry!

    Hope the Mare’s Milk does some good. Good luck with the PAINT JOB!!!! (I got new glasses too – similar to yours…cost a small fortune…ridiculous.)..

  2. Reply to this comment
    4:38 pm on September 15th, 2016

    @Lucy: Isnt it insane how much glasses cost? Uness you dont mind the 5 inch thick glasses! Such a shame how expensive everything is. As you said: ridiculous!

    I have to catch up with your life as well! As soon as it isnt as nice outside anymore. I feel so guilty not taking use of the nice summer days because WINTER IS COMING! 😉 hehe

    Hope you are well dearl Lucy! 😀 Stay cool! http://turtelina.net/dailylife/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/turtle6.gif

  3. Reply to this comment
    10:28 pm on September 17th, 2016


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