So what happens when I want to start blogging again? My site goes down with super annoying database errors that lasted for days. Just so typical. Grrrrrrr.
For day 2 of NaBloPoMo I thought I could give you a glimpse of how I spent my summer, because I found a new love – not in human form unfortunately. 😉 Open Water Swimming! Oh my God, LOOOVE it so much!
It all started when the University Sport Centre offerend an Open Water Swim Course in summer. Something they never offered before, I didnt mean to join, because I didnt enjoy Open Water swimming. A regular swim friend convinced me though and I swear it has changed my life so much again, for the better!
My health dropped to unknown grounds in Spring and stayed there for about 3 months – update on that in another entry – so at first I didnt think I could participate at all, I did in the end but it was more of a fiasco than anything. Doenst matter now of course, because I did it, I participated, I learned the basics of Open Water Swimming and especially the second weekend was one of the most amazing times of my life. The bonding, the adventure of crossing a sea width- and lengthwise, I cant even describe it, it was simply AMAZING! The second week was at Fuschlsee, which is pretty much my favourite sea to swim in. Drink Water quality is all I can say. 🙂
This is how it all started and following that ccrazy adventure was a summer full of Open Water Swimming. We pretty much didnt do anything else, but travel from sea to sea to swim in it. Spectacular. I have so many photos which are AMAZING! I will do a gallery with them as soon as we get a computer again, hopefully in December. But here are two of my favourites:
What a summer is all I can say.