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Das Verschwinden des Josef

by Olivier Guez

17853 days until until long birthday weekend. oh no

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Trial Week 9 – CHECK

With the help of two sleeping pills, I slept like a dead woman and woke up only by the male nurse taking my temperature. Lovely. The view this early morning:

Pretty soon after, I started the long way to the transfusion center:

And look, I found it, I am so smart. Aehm….

Well, my last apharesis went pretty well, too. The doctor at the transfusion clinic asked if I would participate in a photopheresis he wants to try out to treat my allergies. I asked him how many patients he has tried it on already, the answer: none. I said if he thinks it will help, I would do it. But it will not happen until this trial is over anyway. Which will be in spring. We will see, why not?! He said it could help my Asthma as well. One time guinea pig, always guinea pig.

They were all really lovely there, all except one doctor, who tried to be ok in the end as well. Could be that he is a problem with alcohol, but what do I know?! I gave them a generous tip. I always give tip and I always give a lot of it. I get so much tip myself, that I feel sharing makes it worth so much more! I still have problems saying goodbye, so it was a blessing almost that the driver who took me back to my ward, they wont let you walk back after the treatment, was there pretty much immediately after calling him. A chapter in my life. Who knows if I ever will be back.

The doctor there also said, after I asked him how this treatment will be prescribed once it is approved, that approval alone doesnt mean anything. The hospital is conducting a lot of studies which help, which then never end up being paid by insurance. I am so pissed if that is the case here! Of course the trial doctor never said that this could be a possibility. It really is only about the money the doctors make, I think. Because I am sure they are paid pretty well for doing that trial.

I then had lunch and the waiting for my papers began…

At some point a doctor I dont know came in and said I could leave now. Bravo! I packed and shortly before I was about to leave, the second trial doctor quickly hopped by. I told her my worries about my skin getting worse, the steroid cremes totally thinning out my skin and the Asthma getting so much worse. I am glad I got that off by chest. Of course she cant decide anything and whatever, as she is only “the assistant”, a really young doctor. She will talk with the doctor in charge and get back to me. Until then no more steroid creme and she wants proof from the pulmonologist. Why not?! I can do that.

And now I am home again. Brother apparently has really bad nerves again, he cant be left alone, he cant deal with it all.

Back to work tomorrow. I have tickets for this years Adventsingen for tomorrow. I hope this will be nice. At least it will get me into Christmas mood I hope.

I am off now to enjoy being home again before the work routine is starting again, ugh. Be well you all!


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... und in der schwärzesten Nacht meines Lebens sah ich Sterne.
Der Schatten des Windes