Oh boy! Long time no post, I cant seem to find the motivation to sit down for a longer amount of time to write a proper blog entry. BUT: I dont hate anything more than people I have grown to really like over many years, all of a sudden abandon their blog. I get seperation issues
, which I hate. I definitely will not abandon my beloved blog anytime in the near future. Blog entries just might be a bit far apart, especially as I take off for Reha soon…
Having said that, I pretty much missed all of the important dates that are happening during summer. Like: my domain turned 14 years old
, can you believe it?!?!? GOOD LORD! And: Emma had her 3rd birthday
, which I missed also. I cant believe it!
It seems like a lifetime ago, that I had a most beautiful bikeride out of the city to one of my most favourite reading spots, it was extremely beautiful, as it always is. Nature brings a lot of healing for my soul, which I need desperatley over and over again.
As my vacation was nearing, I did pretty much all newspaper rounds, it really felt like I had started to live in the distribution center. But as July and the first half of August were really

I did some Etsy shopping again lately. I havent been at Etsy in forever, but with these I couldnt resist. I absolutely loved the tracking of my new tea cup, lucky cup got to travel some US cities!

As so often, I did lots of baking and I made a ton of jam for the winter

My first self seeded sunflower started to bloom, what a success!

I have come across Booktube on YouTube, which I have really grown to like.

I have lots more to tell. So expect a couple of entries to follow this one. Take care my lovelies! Enjoy life, always and all ways.

Lots of love!

6:50 pm on August 28th, 2015
Oh my gosh… I can’t believe it’s been 13 years since you got your domain. I’m not sure I’ve been following you that long, but probably pretty close! Glad to hear that you’re well. <3
8:37 am on August 29th, 2015
It makes us terribly old when our domains are already nearing old age!
hehe I love “growing up” with people and following their progress into REAL adulthood. You could become a Booktuber too, you look good on camera!
7:44 pm on September 2nd, 2015
Happy Birthday Domain! & extra-special Happy Birthday Emma!!!! — she of soulful, adorable stares!
Sunflowers to you Connie!
8:38 am on September 3rd, 2015
@Lucy: Luuuuuucy! ➡ Make sure you send me your adres so I can send you a postcard from Israel! turtelina AT gmail.com 😀 Lots of love! 🙂
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