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Das Verschwinden des Josef

by Olivier Guez

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Sing me a song of a lad that is gone

Oh boy! Long time no post, I cant seem to find the motivation to sit down for a longer amount of time to write a proper blog entry. BUT: I dont hate anything more than people I have grown to really like over many years, all of a sudden abandon their blog. I get seperation issues , which I hate. I definitely will not abandon my beloved blog anytime in the near future. Blog entries just might be a bit far apart, especially as I take off for Reha soon…

Having said that, I pretty much missed all of the important dates that are happening during summer. Like: my domain turned 14 years old , can you believe it?!?!? GOOD LORD! And: Emma had her 3rd birthday , which I missed also. I cant believe it!

It seems like a lifetime ago, that I had a most beautiful bikeride out of the city to one of my most favourite reading spots, it was extremely beautiful, as it always is. Nature brings a lot of healing for my soul, which I need desperatley over and over again.

  • My favourite reading spot.
  • Almost a 30 km bike ride.
  • The Salzach River is dirty though...
  • Trying to get a good photo for #readingwithaview at Goodreads.
  • Panorama shot.
  • Another #readingwithaview shot.
  • On a bridge.
  • Lots of bridges.
  • Biking home.

As my vacation was nearing, I did pretty much all newspaper rounds, it really felt like I had started to live in the distribution center. But as July and the first half of August were really brilliant what a lack of mail concerned, it was quite ok and it brings some money in. I brought Emma along with me once, because brother is gone over night a lot lately – I dont even want to know where… – I didnt want to leave her behind all alone, as she is clingy like hell! People at work love Emma, who ever could resist those eyes?

  • Emmas position when I go to work.
  • Eeeearly in the morning.
  • Emma with her charming side.
  • Hello there!
  • So many noises.
  • Delivering newspapers must have been totally exhausting!
  • Time to go home.

I did some Etsy shopping again lately. I havent been at Etsy in forever, but with these I couldnt resist. I absolutely loved the tracking of my new tea cup, lucky cup got to travel some US cities!

As so often, I did lots of baking and I made a ton of jam for the winter months, I still need to make apricot jam. *takes mental note*

  • Red currant cake before being eaten.
  • Sooooo good, I love the sugary eggwhites on top, so good!
  • Eggnog Gugelhupf.
  • Blueberry Chocolate Gugelhupf.
  • I cooked so much jam! Rasberries, Blueberries, Strawberries,....
  • About to make Brioche with selfmade Strawberry Amaretto Jam.
  • In the making.
  • About to go into the oven.
  • They got a little colour...
  • But they were so very good!

My first self seeded sunflower started to bloom, what a success! I cant imagine anything more beautiful! Such a beautiful creation of nature. I even have a photo of it as my lock screen! I have more sunflowers growing, but none are blooming yet. Just look at the colours:

  • I seeded sunflowers this year, not expecting them to turn out.
  • But this is the first about to start blooming.
  • Slowly opening up.
  • So very pretty.
  • Must be my favourite flower ever!
  • Ahhhhhhh, just beautiful.
  • I made it my lockscreen because its so pretty!

I have come across Booktube on YouTube, which I have really grown to like. I especially like Abookutopia and Well Done Books, but there are so many really! Their reviews convinced me to start the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. Huge books, with 800 pages and more. The first book was ok, but going downward from there. I probably will not finish the series.

I have lots more to tell. So expect a couple of entries to follow this one. Take care my lovelies! Enjoy life, always and all ways.

Lots of love!

4 Responses to “Sing me a song of a lad that is gone”

  1. Reply to this comment
    6:50 pm on August 28th, 2015

    Oh my gosh… I can’t believe it’s been 13 years since you got your domain. I’m not sure I’ve been following you that long, but probably pretty close! Glad to hear that you’re well. <3

  2. Reply to this comment
    Connie AUSTRIA
    8:37 am on August 29th, 2015

    @nikkiana: http://turtelina.net/dailylife/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/hug1.gif It makes us terribly old when our domains are already nearing old age! http://turtelina.net/dailylife/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/kuss.gif hehe I love “growing up” with people and following their progress into REAL adulthood. You could become a Booktuber too, you look good on camera!

  3. Reply to this comment
    7:44 pm on September 2nd, 2015

    Happy Birthday Domain! & extra-special Happy Birthday Emma!!!! — she of soulful, adorable stares!

    Sunflowers to you Connie!

  4. Reply to this comment
    8:38 am on September 3rd, 2015

    @Lucy: Luuuuuucy! ➡ Make sure you send me your adres so I can send you a postcard from Israel! turtelina AT gmail.com 😀 Lots of love! 🙂

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... und in der schwärzesten Nacht meines Lebens sah ich Sterne.
Der Schatten des Windes