Today was such an odd day. A couple of men at work were terribly in heat it seemed! Especially one, who keeps telling me, I hope its all fun, we are going to have sex soon and all kind of other stuff. He even screamed it across the parking lot, now that was embarrassing. It doesnt bother me too much in general, I know how he is and I get a good laugh out of it, as do others. But today was a particularly intense day. Huh! I kind of feel that especially men at work, are regressing to basic survival. Eating, mating and sleeping. It has always been like this. They dont bother too much to try to hide it.
I then drove off into my delivery area and at an hotel, they remembered that I have my birthday either in October or November, so he figured, as I was off for a few days, that it must have been my birthday and he congratulated me out of the blue. So nice! I also think he was flirting with me. I know I am mental and such, but that was too obvious. Why not?!
Also a bunch of people commented on my skin, they can really only see my hands and face (!), that it is really good and I must keep doing this apharesis thingie, because it obviously helps me so much. I am really thankful how many people are happy for me. Lovely people at a firm said they never want to see me looking like I did after vacation. Yups, that was not nice. I keep telling them that it is a trial and we dont know anything yet about how long it will help, how much and so on. I do think that after all the many things we have tried, this is helping the most so far. We will see I guess.
Must eat now, then nap before heading to swimming. It starts at 8.15pm, a bit late. Added later: couldnt sleep, but layed in bed for an hour. Swimming was excellent, I had a good swimming day. Which makes me happy. Win win. Got home at 10.30pm and am now going to bed passt 11.00pm. Practically have to get up in a moment to go to work. Oh Lord.
I am almost done with NaBloPoMo, I cant believe it. Its going quite well I would say. See you tomorrow you all, lots of love!