After barely sleeping, I got up in a total haze and somehow managed to find my way to work. Others werent much more awake either. That is was getting up that early 6 times in a row does to you. You really never get used to it. We are getting new uniforms next year and I got to test one of the new shirts today. Guess? You can see through it. WHAT??? Are they serious? I dont want everyone to be able to see what colour my underwear has. I am shocked.
After the men are already that clingy, OH NO!

I delivered the newspapers and then went home. Glad to bee off work for at least until Thursday, there is going to be lots of mail on Monday.

While I slept, my Tea Adventcalender arrived. I am practically set for the Advent Season now. Aehm, no, lots of stuff to do still, but at least I can now drink a different kind of tea every single day until Christmas, yahoo! I also hammered a nail into the newly painted wall to be able to hanp up a star and now I cant find the cable to plug it in. I cant believe it, outragious!
I probably threw it away in my cleaning fit. But I think this is something that can be bought. *fingers crossed*

I am going to be heading to our Schauspielhaus with a friend in a bit to see Frau Müller muss weg. Its a bit smaller than a regular theater, but they are quite good.

Ok, I didnt like it. Actually, I couldnt bare it and wanted to leave so bad to get out of that situation. The play basically was in a really little room with maybe 50 people that fitted in there and got to watch. There were 6 actors. They all got together to get rid of their childrens teacher. The mood turned bad really fast. It was yikes! The whole thing then turned around and blabla. The actors were brilliant, but this is nothing I can watch. Because of the tiny room we were practially right in the action. All well done.
So much for that and now Good Night, I will see you tomorrow.