As I prepare for going into the hospital, I have to leave you hanging for a while, until I can return and catch up on entries, which I will do, so close to finishing NaBloPoMo!
Stay tuned and wish my venes lots of luck, they need it. I will glady come home without the experience of a central line placement, thank you very much.
On a good note, I did finally – about time! – put the Halloween decorations away and put up a bunch of Christmas ones, so much work! But I guess that happens when you have so much of it.

Then some reading and napping before heading to swim practice. Swimming was brilliant today, we swam lots of butterfly, which I love.

Before swimming the Michi from the womans dermatology ward called me and asked where I was, I was to be submitted today! As I thought, the doctor hadnt told them that we are starting a day late. So that was embarrassing. He is like that. He also failed to tell them that I was coming at all the first time I was submitted for the trial. Where is his head.
Some quick packing now, a bit of reading and then this is it for today. My skin has gotten a bit worse yet again, dang!
Until late Wednesday, if everything goes according to plan. See you then.