Three words: busy as hell. And this is an understatement. I dont even know how I do it. Just going with it until it is over I guess. This or that way. 😉 Even the much dreaded All Saints Day came and went without me really realizing that it happened. Halloween as well. Totally passed me by. That is what “hardly time for breathing” does. It does wreck you, but it is also a very much need protection from everything else. Bummer though that I never got to finish my Halloween wall. Next year then. Christmas decorating and baking will start as soon as this busy phase is over. Weheee!
I promised Winter photos the last time I posted. Which I will gladly do, because all the snow came and went and it is gone ever since. Thank you!

Emma seemed to have enjoyed it though. But she is a puppy. Everything is exciting for her. First snow in her life.

I skipped blogging last week due to lack of time. I dont think anything major happened though. Lots and lots of work at the post office. Very long days. Inbetween meeting up with a collegue to write on a presentation. Which has happened since, didnt go well at all, it might just have been the worst presentation I ever was a part of. Stupid topic: Das Phoneminventar des Deutschen and clearly a sign that my schedule is way too packed. I am not fretting it, what shalls. At least this one is over.
Last week we went to a brilliant guitar concert by Guitar 8. My guitar teacher is a part of it. 🙂 It was so good, loved it. The pieces, the arrangements, the guitarist were totally into it and totally down to earth. Couldnt have been better. I wrote my teacher a text message after the concert because I didnt get a chance to talk to him. They were just thrilled that the people that came enjoyed it so much. 😀
Other than that, I am preparing for another presentation tomorrow: Grammatik im Deutsch-Fremdsprachenunterricht. Then an exam the weekend after, and then I hope I get a chance to breathe. I doubt it though.
Tomorrow will also be a very important day, because the patient advocacy, the complete hospital risk and quality management and Eva and I will have a one-hour-meeting. Eva her Uni-professor friend and I will meet up later to prepare for it. Strategy and alike. I keep dreaming of everything, if I sleep at all. It will be good once this is all resolved over.
In the meantime Emma joined the Puppy Club of one of the bigger pet food stores. Loved the welcome gift! Little Emma also turned 4 months on November 7th!

Taking photographs of her is so hard, because she has such a dark face. Some of my favourite shots of her from the last two weeks:

We also finished Puppy classes this last week. One less thing to have to go to. But I do think Emma benefited from it quite a bit. Socializing with other dogs one of the most important things. Learning to be in a group full of strangers…
I also bought myself a lovely birthday present. Something that I have been wanting for ages. A very lovely teapot. Already in use. 🙂 I also had the first Christmas cookies of the season at my cousins last week:

I get to deliver mail in my lost mailround since a few days. it is so nice! They are all missing me really a lot. It is so nice to hear this from so many people, fills up my “soul-energy-tank”. I got invited for hot chocolate, received homemade marmelade… this is good for me. Really good. I am taking as much positivity and niceness with me as possible! I also started to take a healthy lunch with me for work. It looks nice, tastes nice, but it has no energy at all. I could as well be eating air. :O But then I have to run around for hours carrying heavy loads of paper and alike around. That needs more energy than this.

I will be so glad once tomorrow is over. This whole hospital nightmare has cost me countless tears, sleep, nerves, and 13 pounds. I dont even want to know how much this stupid Rituximab experiment has destroyed inside of me. I really hope that I get some sort of closure tomorrow. Please.
May the force be with you, and me.
3:27 pm on November 11th, 2012
Emma is such an uber cute puppy – really!
Keeping my fingers crossed for you for tomorrow – hope you win – and hey – surely the force is with us – or how you think we would have been surviving until now???
(((BIG HUGS)))
PS: I gained 4 pounds – not nice at all even only in my head *GRRRR*
9:39 pm on November 11th, 2012
@Anu: Liebe Anu! Vielen Dank! ➡ Wie immer. 😀 Wir haben jetzt 4 Stunden beredet wie ich morgen vorgehe werde. Inklusive psychologische Verfahrensweisen um deren Spiegelneuronen zu aktivieren. Ich kann eh nur nochmal soviel Gift abspritzen wie möglich, mehr ist nicht mehr drinnen. :O
Alles Liebe fuer dich! Und 4 Pfund ist 2 mal Klo gehen. 😉
9:46 am on November 12th, 2012
Only positive thoughts coming your way! Good luck!
8:21 pm on November 12th, 2012
@Lucy: Thank you so much Lucy, your positive thoughts definitely helped! âž¡
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