And so we are counting mail again, which is such a tedious task. We count for a week, they then look how much mail we have and then decide how many mail carriers to cut. Which works much better on the computer obviously, because in reality the delivery areas are huge already and 8.5 hours arent nearly enough to get it all down. Let alone when one is sick or on vacation…. haha! I still have mail standing around from being in the hospital last week. Either nothing gets delivered at all or one gets a replacement which is a fiasco all in itself. So much not fun and it all takes forever. Poor me!
The good news are, I have horses, ponys and cows in my delivery area! This horse must have smelled something funny, because it kept staring at me. So cute! Hello there!
Later, I went swim practice. I hate losing so much substance. Swimming is so tedious when you are out of shape, and its not even my own fault. This blood apharesis thingie is a killer, really. I am so terribly out of shape. Even though I go swimming 2 – 3 times per week. Does this make any sense? Just keep on swimming I guess.
I am a little bit worried about my skin. Still. I have an appointement at a new dermatologist next week, it wont harm anyone talking to her about it all. Because I really feel they dont care too much at the hospital, they have their trial, they want photos, they talk about you, not with you. And yesterday I got a hospital bill. So much for lending my body to medical research.
Ah well. So sleepy. Must head to bed now. Lets count the sheep… …